National History Day Competition 2024

During the weekend of April 19th, NHS member Korey Santor brought a team of 10 students from the middle school and high school to the state National History Day competition at Sacramento State University.  All students represented the district well and worked hard for 8 months to create interesting and engaging projects. The projects ranged from a 15th century project on the War of the Roses, the 1984 introduction of the Macintosh, to the first school bus in the United States created right here in Newman.


With the cooperation of Newman Historical Society and the Newman Museum, 7th grader Devonny Hubbard became intrigued by Newman’s history and spent the year researching the impact of the first school bus on education.  Devonny’s project, an exhibit, was one of  the top 15 entries in the state and made a huge impact on people who viewed the project. The model school bus borrowed from the museum helped to bring to life part of Newman’s rich history and the importance of the first school bus.


Mr. Santor and the History Day team wish to thank all of you from Newman Historical Society for your continued support over the past 10 years and for sharing your passion for history with the students.